CNA Skill Video: Measure and Record Radial Pulse
CNA Skills Video Measure and Record Radial Pulse Measure and Record Radial Pulse These are…
The drainage bag should be positioned so that it is hanging from a non-moving part of the bed, above the floor. The bag can NEVER be lifted above the patient’s hips and it should never be allowed to touch the floor. The tubing should be coiled on the bed so that it cannot pose a tripping hazard to those walking by.
When emptying the bag, the port cannot touch ANYTHING – not the bed, the floor, the container, the chucks – NOTHING. Proper technique must be used to prevent bacteria from entering the drainage bag. Bacteria easily multiplies and migrates up the tubing and catheter and into the bladder, causing a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).
The urine must be measured in a container with markings using three specific criteria: on a barrier, on a flat surface, at eye level. If you miss any one of these criteria you won’t get credit for ANY of it! Make sure all three criteria are met to be successful!
Yes, this goes without saying…but you would be surprised at how easy it is to make this mistake during the test! Take a moment to make sure you are disposing of the urine properly!
CNA Skills Video Measure and Record Radial Pulse Measure and Record Radial Pulse These are…
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