Are you ready for the CNA Exam? Are you Sure?
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We developed an online CNA Test Prep program which integrates these videos into a comprehensive test prep course that covers ALL components of testing!
Watch the videos
All 21 testable CNA skills are demonstrated on this site, but that will not give you ALL the information you need to pass! Simply scroll down the page to view the videos.
Pass the Test
Now you are completely ready for the exam! Go test with confidence and pass the test the FIRST time! You can do this...we can help!
Click on any skill to view the video...
Do you know when to simulate? The online course covers this!
Click HereDo you know why you are using a gait belt? The online course covers this!
Ambulate with a Gait Belt
Click HereDo you know how long to count and WHY? The online course covers this!
Measure and Record Pulse
Click HereDo you know why you are graded on shoes? The online course covers this!
Transfer Resident from Bed to Wheelchair
Click HereDo you know what you CAN'T tell the patient? The online course covers this!
Measure and Record Respirations
Click HereDo you know that doing additional exercises can fail you? The online course covers this!
Perform Passive ROM to Shoulder
Click HereDo you know why the correct arm counts? The online course covers this!
Perform Passive ROM to Elbow and Wrist
Click HereDo you know why you don't close the curtain? The online course covers this!
Feed a Resident in a Chair
Click HereDo you know why you always lift from below? The online course covers this!
Perform Passive ROM to Hip, Knee and Ankle
Click HereDo you know which patients require mouth care? The online course covers this!
Provide Mouth Care to a Resident with Teeth
Click HereDo you know what USA First means? The online course covers this!
Dress Resident with a Weak Arm
Click HereDo you know why you need a washcloth in the sink? The online course covers this!
Perform Mouth Care to a Resident with Dentures
Click HereDo you know all the washing rules? The online course covers this!
Perform Hand and Nail Care
Click HereDo you know why clean rolls toward me and dirty rolls away? The online course covers this!
Make an Occupied Bed
Click HereDo you know why basins are no-soap zones? The online course covers this!
Provide Foot Care
Click HereDo you know how often immobile patients must be turned? The online course covers this!
Change Position to Supported Side-Lying
Click HereDo you know when we use the leaves method? The online course covers this!
Provide a Partial Bedbath and Backrub
Click HereDo you know why the head of the bed is the most important step? The online course covers this!
Assist a Resident with a Bedpan
Click HereDo you know why this patient does not wear a brief in bed? The online course covers this!
Provide Perineal Care to an Incontinent Female Resident
Click HereDo you know why catheter tubing cannot be looped near the floor? The online course covers this!
Perform Catheter Care to a Female Resident
Click HereDo you know why infection control is so important with this skill? The online course covers this!
Empty and Record Contents of Urinary Drainage Bag
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Click HereGo Beyond the Skills...
We developed an online CNA Test Prep program which integrates these videos into a comprehensive test prep course that covers ALL components of testing – in an easy to understand way! Go to to enroll today and take your test preparation to a higher level, so you pass the FIRST time! You don’t know what you are missing until you learn what you don’t know.
About us
4YourCNA provides CNA Test Preparation books, videos, online courses and study materials for students preparing to take the CNA State Exam through Prometric. All instruction is developed by an RN with strict attention to Prometric testing checklists and care plans. Patricia Laramee,RN also teaches classroom-based CNA Test Prep classes in Spring Hill, FL and is a podcast host for Nursing Assistant Guides. The 4YourCNA Team includes Jason Laramee, President and Jacob Ramsey, Manager.