Workplace Wednesday: Hospice Heroes are all Heart

Workplace Wednesday Hospice It’s official…you can change your name to ANGEL. because your wings are showing. Straighten up that halo and read on to see why you are the ideal candidate to provide Hospice care to terminally ill patients. All CNAs are special, but it takes a SPECIAL kind of special to be able to provide care…


The FASTEST growing segment of Healthcare is…

Workplace Wednesday Home Care Home is where the heart is…and most of the patients! Home care is the FASTEST growing segment of healthcare in America…and for good reason! When you are sick…where do YOU want to be? Yep, home. And your patients do, too. It takes a special person (like YOU) to work in someone…


Workplace Wednesday: Nursing Home

Workplace Wednesday Nursing Home Oh, those stories! CNAs in a Nursing Home spend months, or even years, with the same residents. Not everyone has the skill set necessary to provide daily care for the same patients in a nursing home environment…but you do! Your unique combination of stability, caring personality and desire to get to…


Workplace Wednesday: Rehabilitation Center

Workplace Wednesday Rehabilitation Center You like the best of all worlds, don’t you?! Not everyone has the skill set necessary to thrive in a rehabilitation environment…but you do! A little of everything is right up your alley! Variety…check. Routines…check. Clinical skills…check. Personal care skills…check. Helping people physically AND emotionally…check and check. The icing on the…


Workplace Wednesday: So, you want to work in a hospital?

Workplace Wednesday So, you want to work in a hospital? Not everyone has the skill set necessary to thrive in the complex, chaotic and diverse hospital environment…it takes a unique combination of flexibility and desire to work closely with a team to thrive in a hospital setting. Overview As a hospital CNA, you will be…


Workplace Wednesday: Ashley, ICU/IMCU

Workplace Wednesday Ashley ICU/IMCU Do you ever wonder what it is like to work in an ICU as a CNA? Are you thinking of applying for a job but don’t know what to expect or whether it’s a good fit for you? Join us as we interview Ashley and find out what CNAs do in…


Test Tip Tuesday: Where is the ID Band?

Test Tip Tuesday ID Bands You are taking the test. You have studied, paid attention in class and practiced. You are as ready as you can be. You enter the testing room and receive your care plan and begin your first skill…only to discover the patient has no ID Band like you used in practice!…


Test Tip Tuesday: Why is there a washcloth in the sink?

Test Tip Tuesday Washcloth Tests…no one likes them. You get anxiety, you lose sleep, you just don’t know what to expect. 4YourCNA is here to help you by removing some of the mystery behind the test.  Today’s episode focuses on a specific testing checkpoint and discusses why it is such a big deal. Watch the…