Rhode Island CNA Facts
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Rhode Island requires 100 hours of CNA training in a state approved program, including 20 hours of clinical experiences.
Summary: 100 training hours
Credentia performs CNA testing in Rhode Island. Qualifications for testing include:
- If you are a Nursing assistant (E-1), you must have successfully completed a Rhode Island Department of Health-approved nursing assistant training program within 12 months.
- If you are a Nursing student (E-2), you must have completed minimum of two (2) clinical courses.
- If your Rhode Island nursing assistant license has lapsed more than 24 months, you are required to re-train and re-take the NNAAP Examination and apply as a Nursing Assistant under Eligibility Route E-1.
- If you are a nursing assistant in a state other than Rhode Island in accordance with the competency evaluation requirements of OBRA ’87, and if you are currently listed on the other state’s registry as active and in good standing, you must seek approval from the DOH.
Exam Fees
Exam Description
Written Examination
Oral Examination
Skills Evaluation
Summary: $165 testing fee
CNAs in Rhode Island are required to renew their CNA certification every two (2) years.
The cost to renew is: $35
The requirements for renewal are:
- You must have worked as a nursing assistant for at least eight (8) hours in the prior twenty-four (24) months.
Summary: $35 renewal fee
The employment outlook for CNAs in Rhode Island is good. As of 2020, there are over 9,250 people are employed as CNAs and it is projected to grow by 10% by 2030 making it to 10,140 employees. It’s projected annual job openings between 2020 – 2030 is 1,260.
Summary: 10% projected growth
The average pay rate for CNAs in Rhode Island is $36,106 as of September 26, 2022, but the range typically falls between $32,907 and $39,870.