Missouri CNA Facts

Looking for CNA information that is specific to your state? Look no further!

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Missouri requires 175 hours of CNA training in a state approved program, including 75 hours of classroom and 100 hours of clinical experiences. 

Summary: 175 hours training


HEADMASTER performs CNA testing in Missouri. Qualifications for testing include:

  1. Training program completion must be within 1 year of test date.
Challenging the state exam is allowed if you meet the special criteria. For detailed information on the criteria to challenge the exam, follow the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services link below: : health.mo.gov/safety/cnaregistry/


Exam Description
Knowledge Test or Retake
Oral Knowledge Test or Retake
Skill Test or Retake

Summary: $125 testing fee


CNAs in STATE NAME are required to renew their CNA certification every 2 years.

The cost to renew is $20.

The requirements for renewal are:

  1. Perform paid nursing services of at least eight (8) hours in a twenty-four (24) consecutive month period of time
You can use this link to change your status from active to inactive and can provide proof of nursing related services.
You can use this link for instructions on how to renew your certification online.

Summary: $20 renewal fee; 8 paid working hours required


The employment outlook for CNAs in Missouri is good. As of 2018, there are41,020 people employed as CNAs and it is projected to grow by 9% at 2028 making it to 44,730 employees. It’s projected annual job openings between 2018 – 2028 is 5, 180.

Summary: 9% projected growth


The average pay rate for CNAs in Missouri is $32,647 as of September 26, 2022, but the range typically falls between $29,754 and $36,050.

Summary: $32, 647 average pay